Louise Delputte

Louise Delputte

I have been doing sport since I was young and it’s super to inspire and motivate people through my blog or Instagram channel. Etixx products improve my performance and I exercise more efficiently. My 1st marathon would not have been a success without Etixx!

My disciplines

  • Running
  • Cycling
  • Swimming
  • Spinning

Number of hours’ training per week

7 hours


"Do it with passion or
don't do it at all."

My favourite Etixx products

During a long endurance run: Isotonic Drink Energy Gel. Very easy to absorb and you can feel the effect instantly. The Caffeine Energy Shots and Caffeine Sport Gummies give a boost on tough training runs. For cycling training sessions, I swear by the Energy Nougat Sport Bar and Natural Oat Bar, simply delicious!

To recover from longer endurance runs or after cycle tours, I use the Etixx Recovery Shake PRO LINE, chocolate flavour, in ice cold water, it’s heaven!


My greatest sporting achievements

  • Marathon
  • 1/4 triatlon

My personal records

  • 10 km: 00:48:00
  • Half marathon (21km): 01:47:00
  • Marathon (42km): 04:12:00


My #GiveItYourAll moment in 2023

1/4 triatlon: 24th of June

My social media

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