Sjoukje van den Boom

Sjoukje van den Boom

Cosy person from Brabant who loves outdoor sports and nowadays finds peace and quiet at a nice private spot on a campsite in the countryside. Running and getting out on my racing bike is an integral part of my life. Cooking good food is also a big hobby of mine.

My disciplines

  • Running
  • Cycling

Number of hours’ training per week


"Never Give UP!
Keep Moving Forward!"

My favourite Etixx products

I love the Energy Nougat Sport Bar on the bike! The Sport Gummies I often take with me while running! And when I get home, the Recovery Shake

My greatest sporting achievements 

Silver medal in the National Championship half marathon women’s masters (2018)

My personal records

  • 3000m: 00:10:35
  • 5km: 00:18:45
  • 10km: 00:38:29
  • 15km: 01:00.07
  • 21km: 01:29.45

My #GiveItYourAll moment in 2024

Lots of enjoying in nature! And I also want to explore trail sports! 

My social media


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