I am Amber, 23 years old and active in cycling, duathlon and triathlon. Since 2018, as a 2nd year junior started cycling and since last year I make the combination with duathlon and triathlon. I enjoy long endurance training with climbing, but of course also coffee rides.
Cycling, duathlon and triathlon -> DD group - Isorex - NoAqua cycling team
12 - 16 hours
Isotonic Drink Energy Gel: ideal during running training.
Carbo-Gy Red Fruits: tasty taste, does not feel heavy but contains a lot of carbohydrates, ideal for a race.
Night Protein Shake Cookie and Cream: panacea! Ideal when 2 races shortly after each other or during heavy training period, recovery much better.
Triathlon Leuven
I am Jorre Verstraeten, 25 years old, judoka and student of sports management and sports policy. I am a hard worker who enjoys working out during training sessions and throwing opponents.
Lee masRunning, cycling, swimming and spinning
I have been doing sport since I was young and it’s super to inspire and motivate people through my blog or Instagram channel. Etixx products improve my performance and I exercise more efficiently. My 1st marathon would not have been a success without Etixx!
Lee masTriathlon and fitness
Over 8 years of an active life. Set a sports goal after being quite ill for a long time. This is a hobby that got out of hand and enjoys being active. Combining family time and sports time makes for intense workouts.
Lee masBuscar