An Vannieuwenhuyse

An Vannieuwenhuyse

After a (youth) career in athletics, I switched to the Belgian bobsleigh team. After a few years, I retrained from brakewoman to pilot, while also completing my Masters in physiotherapy. In 2015, I was employed part-time by Sport Flanders as pilot and I am now about to start my 10th bobsleigh season. Qualifying for the Olympic Winter Games in 2018 was an amazing feeling and made me dream of doing more in 2022, in Beijing. I now practise my sport full time, while also being a proud Godmother to my nephew, the apple of my eye. I am very proud to be part of the Etixx ambassadors team, a super-talented and motivated group of athletes and sports enthusiasts. Being supported by such a professional company with good-quality, clean products gives me an extra push to achieve my dream of a top result in Beijing 2022!

My discipline

Bobsleigh -> Belgian Bullets (National Team)

Number of hours’ training per week

20 hours


"I may not be there yet,
but I'm closer than I was yesterday"

My favourite Etixx products

As an explosive athlete, I mainly use the power and performance range. To gain muscle mass, I use HMB every day and do regular cycles of creatine. In addition, I use the Multimax, Magnesium 100% Bisglycinate PRO LINE and Collagen Complex every day.

During my training, I use the Isotonic (forest fruits or lemon), Energy Marzipan Sport Bar or Energy Nougat Sport Bar so that I have enough energy to be able to give 100% in everything I do. After strength training sessions, I use the High Protein Shake or High Protein Bar and recently also the new Recovery Shake PRO LINE. For competitions, I also use the Caffeine Energy Shots or Caffeine Sport Gummies to boost my concentration

My greatest sporting achievements 

  • 12th place Olympic Games PyeongChang 2018
  • 8th place World Championships Whistler 2019
  • Bronze Junior World Championships Altenberg 2015

My #GiveItYourAll moment in 2022

Winter Olympics in Beijing

My social media


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