Ruben Apers

Ruben Apers

Someone with a huge passion for sport and who at the same time looks at the world and sport in a different way, often in a creative quiet way.

My discipline

Cycling:  -> Team Flanders - Baloise
Gravel and crits (Usa)


Number of hours' training per week

25 h


"I'm only here for the party"


My favourite Etixx products

Dubble Carb Energy Gel PRO LINE and Energy Boost, everything you need for a good cycling performance


My greatest sporting achievements

5th World TT Junior Championship 2016


My #GiveItYourAll moment in 2024

World gravel championship in Belgium


My social media

Instagram: @ruben_apers
Facebooek: @Ruben_Apers_Baroudeur

Discover more ambassadors

Ambassador An Vannieuwenhuyse image
An Vannieuwenhuyse


After a (youth) career in athletics, I switched to the Belgian bobsleigh team. After a few years, I retrained from brakewoman to pilot, while also completing my Masters in physiotherapy. In 2015, I was employed part-time by Sport Flanders as pilot and I am now about to start my 10th bobsleigh season. Qualifying for the Olympic Winter Games in 2018 was an amazing feeling and made me dream of doing more in 2022, in Beijing. I now practise my sport full time, while also being a proud Godmother to my nephew, the apple of my eye. I am very proud to be part of the Etixx ambassadors team, a super-talented and motivated group of athletes and sports enthusiasts. Being supported by such a professional company with good-quality, clean products gives me an extra push to achieve my dream of a top result in Beijing 2022!

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Ambassador Maaike Coljé image
Maaike Coljé


I am Maaike Coljé, professional cyclist for the French team Arkea B&B Hotels. I also graduated in Industrial Design Engineering and do small projects as a freelance (graphic) designer. Besides a passion for sport, I have a passion for food, cooking & baking, nature and design. I love to draw and therefore love working on design briefs. I am convinced that the purest possible food is best for health and performance. For this reason, I bake and cook a lot to make use of pure ingredients. I hope to inspire others with my recipes and application of pure food.

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Ambassador Margo Degraef image
Margo Degraef

Table tennis

I am a motivated person who likes to keep busy, you can usually find me with a full diary and a smile on my face. I became an ambassador for Etixx this year, but I have been using the products for much longer. I often suffer from energy dips and I have found the solution to this in Etixx’s products, including the Sport Gummies and the Energy Sport Bars. But, looking forward to the Recovery products afterwards can also increase motivation during training. The Etixx ambassadors team is a great group and I am proud to be a part of it!

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