I am primarily someone who doesn't give up easily and who sees everything positively. In addition to running for myself recreationally (60-100 km/week), I am also Charlotte Van Hese’s trainer. The aim is to make her a real top athlete without her losing the pleasure of running. The Etixx products are a fantastic asset for my (now much less) injury-prone body. I am very proud to be a part of this top team!
10 hours
"Tough runs don't last,
tough runners do!"
Isotonic Drink Energy Gel during training sessions: easy to use, the body doesn't object to the gels, delicious.
Recovery Shake PRO LINE (banana) after strenuous training sessions and competitions: a shake that I find hard to resist. Really delicious and also super useful for recovery!
Collagen Complex every day: injury prevention in a pot! Flavourless is a plus point here!
Carbo-Gy/ Natural Oat Bar/ Energy Sport Bar before training sessions (especially if I plan to go for a run after work): handy energy-deliverers that I switch around according to the training session/time of day. The Natural Oat Bars in particular taste heavenly!
Not giving up after a lot of injuries, 3 operations and literally having to start again from 0.
Instagram: @jimpy87_running
Atletismo - Salto con pértiga
Soy Fleur, 23 años, saltadora de pértiga y estudiante de fisioterapia. Practico el atletismo desde los 6 años. A los 15 me especialicé en salto con pértiga. El deporte es mi afición y mi pasión. Soy un animal competitivo, me encanta superar mis límites físicos y me mueve alcanzar mis metas. Además de en la pista de atletismo, también puedes encontrarme entre mis libros de texto, sobre la bicicleta de carreras o en una acogedora cafetería. Los productos Etixx me ayudan a rendir de forma óptima durante los ajetreados periodos de entrenamiento y competición y, de este modo, seguir persiguiendo mis objetivos.
Lee masTriathlon - Issy Triathlon and Racing Multiathlon
My name is Laly Porentru and I'm 17. I started triathlon and athletics 9 years ago with the aim of one day reaching the top level. I am French traithlon champion. I played for a number of clubs before winning my first national selection last December.
Lee masCycling
Someone with a huge passion for sport and who at the same time looks at the world and sport in a different way, often in a creative quiet way.
Lee masBuscar