I have been passionate about endurance sports for more than 15 years. Together with Noury Vanmanshoven, I founded Triathlon Team 4P. Apart from coaching athletes, I am still active myself. Mainly on the long distance, Ironman and 70.3 Ironman.
Triathlon & Duathlon -> Team 4P
Co-founder Triathlon Team 4P & Nasm personal trainer at Move More Hans van Alphen
10 à 15h
"Strong alone unstoppable together!"
My personal record
Instagram: @dimitrigelders
Ciclismo - Cantabria Deporte Río Miera y Federación Catalana
Siempre trato de dar lo mejor de mí en los deportes, pero también estudiando. Me encanta estudiar y aprender cosas nuevas en la universidad. En cuanto a mi faceta deportiva, creo que soy muy constante y trabajadora, también bastante perfeccionista. He pasado por una etapa difícil este último año que me obligó a dejar de correr por un tiempo indeterminado, pero estoy tratando de mejorar mi ciclismo para competir al más alto nivel. Me siento muy feliz de poder combinar el deporte y los estudios en mi vida, eso me hace muy feliz.
Lee masTrail running, running, cycling, and triathlon
Sport has been a part of my life since I was a child. When I discovered trail running through my climbing partner at the end of 2015, this sport grew into my biggest passion next to cycling. Covering ultra-distances over inhospitable terrain. Overcoming yourself, nature and the elements after an endless battle. Finishing a challenging trail run or skyrace gives me great satisfaction. Running gives me the faith and mental strength to keep going at all times. Both on a professional, personal and sports level. Etixx is an important link in this chain. You find the necessary willpower, determination and physical capability within yourself. But having the right nutrition before, during and after exercise can sometimes be the key to success.
Lee masTrail running and ultrarunning
Enjoying life is very important to me so family time, travelling, foodies but definitely running are my priorities. I can also combine my running story with the rest so that is definitely a plus.
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