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High Protein waffles with only 4 ingredients

Friday 06 November 2020

High Protein waffles with only 4 ingredients

Have you been looking for a simple recipe for a healthy snack or for a protein-rich snack after strength training? Discover this super simple recipe with only 4 ingredients and make your own Etixx High Protein waffles!

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Stuffed globe courgette with Mediterranean rice and chicken

Friday 06 November 2020

Stuffed globe courgette with Mediterranean rice and chicken

Nutrition can have a major impact on gastrointestinal symptoms during exercise. The hours before a competition, it is important to eliminate a number of foods that can overstimulate or irritate the intestines (more info see blog post Dr Chris Goossens). The competition meal below takes into account the main characteristics of a competition day as much as possible. This recipe is also suitable on the day of intense or prolonged training.

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High Protein fluff

Friday 06 November 2020

High Protein fluff

Our body not only needs protein for its growth but also for its maintenance. The healing of wounds, the defense against pathogens, cell renewal and the creation of muscle tissue after physical activity springs to mind. Our muscles have the highest concentration of protein of all tissues, i.e. 22%. For this reason, the daily dietary pattern of an athlete (professional or recreational) needs to contain high-quality protein sources, in order to restore and rebuild muscles, ligaments and bones after physical exercise. Muscles ensure that our body can store more carbohydrate reserves and that the amount of mitochondria increases which results in a higher energy production. The recipe below is very suitable to replenish your additional protein in a different way than a classic shake. Protein, but in an airy fluff. This banana-chocolate high protein fluff is perfect as an afternoon snack or after a training. Super delicious and a real winner!

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Chocolate protein pudding

Friday 06 November 2020

Chocolate protein pudding

The Etixx High Protein Shake is a perfect way to quickly replenish your protein after a workout. Shake it. Drink it. Love it. This way you are quickly getting enough protein for muscle gain and maintenance. Fancy to spice things up a bit? This recipe gives a fun twist to the classic protein shake. It tastes like a sweet treat, but it has the perfect macros for a post-workout snack.

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Breakfast of champs: stuffed avocado with salmon, egg, dill and wholegrain soldiers

Friday 06 November 2020

Breakfast of champs: stuffed avocado with salmon, egg, dill and wholegrain soldiers

On a day off they are usually not many activities planned and this day is mainly intended to recuperate from previous trainings, so that you can start fresh the next couple of days. Many sportsmen and women don’t make much distinction in their dietary pattern for training days and off days. An off day, however, is characterized by less physical activity, and as a result the intake of carbohydrates should be lowered (3 to 5g/kg body weight). Furthermore, it is important to give your body the necessary building blocks on a day of rest so that it can properly recover. These building blocks consist of protein, but also healthy fats such as nuts, avocado, fatty fish, walnut oil, linseed oil, rapeseed oil, … A rest day is the perfect opportunity to give some extra attention to the intake of vitamins and minerals through veggies and fruit.

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Carbo-Gy Red Fruits smoothie

Friday 06 November 2020

Carbo-Gy Red Fruits smoothie

The Etixx High Protein Shake is a perfect way to quickly replenish your protein after a workout. Shake it. Drink it. Love it. This way you are quickly getting enough protein for muscle gain and maintenance. Fancy to spice things up a bit? This recipe gives a fun twist to the classic protein shake. It tastes like a sweet treat, but it has the perfect macros for a post-workout snack.

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Vegan lentil curry

Friday 06 November 2020

Vegan lentil curry

On an intense training day, an athlete should aim for an intake of 1.2-1.7 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. For a vegan who eliminates all animal foods from his diet, this is no easy task. The recipe below from our Etixx ambassador Charlot Pauwels contains no ingredients of animal origin and is rich in vegetable protein sources. Extremely suitable, therefore, for vegetarian or vegan athletes.

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Linseed and nuts crumble with figs and low fat quark

Friday 06 November 2020

Linseed and nuts crumble with figs and low fat quark

Are you suffering from an injury? Then it’s important to speed up your recovery through your food. This breakfast contains all of the key ingredients to help you recover from an injury more quickly.

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To the finish line without acidification with beta-alanine

Friday 11 February 2022

To the finish line without acidification with beta-alanine

Sore muscles is something every athlete has to deal with from time to time. It often causes a lot of frustration because no matter how much you want to keep going, your muscles protest. Increasing intensity causes your muscles to fill up with lactic acid, making them feel (acutely) sore and burning. They become fatigued and lose strength, forcing you to reduce the intensity of the exercise effort. But did you know that you can counteract premature muscle acidification during exercise?

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3 tips for perfect winter preparation!

Friday 22 October 2021

3 tips for perfect winter preparation!

On 19 August 2021, Marieke Blomme managed to become the first woman ever to swim down the Belgian coastline (67km). She did so in 18 hours and 45 minutes. That is almost 5 hours faster than the previous record, which was held by Matthieu Bonne. To complete this extreme challenge, Marieke chose Etixx as her sports nutrition partner in the preparation and during the record attempt. The Etixx Isotonic and the Double Carb Energy Gel PRO LINE were her allies during the many lonely hours in the sea. In the article below, Marieke shares her 3 ultimate tips for perfect winter preparation.

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What is the impact of 'sports' nutrition and supplements on injuries in athletes?

Friday 15 January 2021

What is the impact of 'sports' nutrition and supplements on injuries in athletes?

Do you have an injury? Are you in an important period of competition and absolutely want to avoid injury? Then be sure to check out the blog below in which sports dietician Gino Devriendt demonstrates the impact of 'sports' nutrition and supplements on injuries and their prevention.

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How to avoid gastrointestinal complaints during exercise?

Thursday 14 January 2021

How to avoid gastrointestinal complaints during exercise?

Do you often suffer from gastrointestinal complaints before or during exercise? In the blog post below, sports doctor Dr. Chris Goossens elaborates on the different causes of gastrointestinal complaints in athletes.

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Give your immune system a boost

Thursday 07 January 2021

Give your immune system a boost

Winter has been in the country for a while and we have already had a few cold days. Time to give our immune system a boost. During winter, our resistance is tested the most. As an athlete, how can you protect yourself from a winter dip? The right nutrition can certainly provide support for that.

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The 10 commandments in injury prevention

Thursday 07 January 2021

The 10 commandments in injury prevention

From Aerobics, aqua gym to indoor football or swimming... there are some common ground rules in injury prevention for the whole alphabet of sports. Of course, there are additional specific tips and tricks for each sport but the readers of this blog had better be familiar with all of them. Hence, you can find the golden ground rules here.

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How much carbohydrate should I take during exercise?

Friday 06 November 2020

How much carbohydrate should I take during exercise?

With a full fuel tank, you can handle an exertion of about 90 minutes. During prolonged exertion, carbohydrate supplementation is necessary to provide muscles with sufficient carbohydrates and to avoid decreasing the intensity of exercise. Taking carbohydrates also ensures that concentration and mental alertness remain optimal. How much carbohydrate you should take during exercise depends on the duration and intensity of the exercise.

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How can I best prepare for the 20km through Brussels?

Friday 06 November 2020

How can I best prepare for the 20km through Brussels?

Next Sunday, the 20 km through Brussels is scheduled. If the weather forecast is to be believed, the race will again take place under the same conditions as the Ten Miles a few weeks ago in Antwerp. High temperatures and lots of sunshine are again predicted. Many runners at the start of the Ten Miles did not reach the finish line and 60 of them were even taken to hospital with severe dehydration symptoms. To avoid such situations on Sunday, in this blog we take a closer look at the 2 biggest causes why so many runners did not survive the Ten Miles.

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